Details of new procedures to protect against transmission of Covid-19

Dear patient, as you will be aware all public places have created new rules for visitors to follow for their own safety and the safety of others. Please read through the following before attending the clinic. If you have any further questions, please let me know, contact me, Jonathan, on 07974 109234. We want you to know you are coming into a clean, safe environment for your care.


Pre screening 

The day before your appointment we will phone you to run through a check list to ensure there is no risk of you having symptoms or risk of contact of Coronavirus. We will also quickly discuss how you are specifically in relation to your health and functioning to allow as much of the consultation to happen remotely so less time is spent face to face, again reducing risk.


Clean space 

Before every patient enters the clinic a thorough disinfectant clean will take place on all surfaces coming into direct contact with patients and areas where aerosol settles. This means a gap between each patient appointment allowing for this process and to avoid patients crossing in the clinic space.


Social distancing

We ask all visitors to the clinic to maintain a two-metre distance from all other people in the clinic at all times. The only exception to this is with your practitioner who will let you know when it is appropriate to approach under two metre and for how long.

 For social distancing reasons, unless you require assistance for specific support and care needs, we ask you to please come alone for the appointment where possible unless a chaperone, parent or carer is required

Please leave accessory items (bags and coats) in the car, or travel with as little as possible.


Entering the Clinic

We have spaced out patient arrivals and departures so that all visitors to the clinic can remain socially distanced.

• You will receive a specific time for arrival. We would be grateful if you could arrive at the clinic at exactly that time. I will greet you on arrival. The waiting room will not be used to ensure patient safety.

• On arrival we will take your temperature with an infrared thermometer

• If Ok we will then give you a squirt of hand sanitiser to disinfect your hands.

• We will then give you a clean surgical mask, and lead you straight into the treatment room for your treatment. 

Please also wash your hands before leaving the clinic. 


Face mask and respiratory hygiene

We will always need to wear facemasks whilst in the clinic, both Practitioners and patients, for the safety of everyone.

If you need to sneeze or cough while in the clinic, please do so into a disposable tissueand throw it away immediately. Please wash your hands immediately after doing so.


Toilet facilities

Although toilet facilities are open we are trying to see them as emergency services - so again there are less areas of risk of transmission. If possible, please try to use the toilet at home before coming for your appointment.



We are encouraging cashless payment where possible, which can be set up as a bank transfer.

Because of the extra time needed to disinfect the clinic space between each patient and the costs of PPE involved in running the clinic as safely as possible we are having to put the price of treatment up to fairly reflect that. We haven’t raised prices for a long time, but we realistically have to do that to make the clinic viable. The new treatment price is £44 

Obviously, many of us are having difficult times financially due to the Coronavirus situation. If that is the case please talk to me and we can find a level of payment that is realistic for you now to ensure you get the health support you need.

 Our aim is to follow this process to ensure you as an individual are safe, but also prevent the spread of Coronavirus in the community. Something we’re all desperate not to let happen again considering the impact this situation has had on us all from a health, financial, societal and psychological level.

Best Wishes, Jonathon