What can we treat?
Acupuncture is a really powerful tool to get you better. Although it was developed over 2000 years ago (link to acupuncture history), its relevance today is still as valid as an effective treatment, and is now backed up by the growth of modern western medicines research into its effectiveness. Read more
The largest review of acupuncture research provided 8 conditions where acupuncture passes the strictest levels of evidence of effectiveness.
Knee osteoarthritis
Chronic lower back pain
Post operative nausea and vomiting
Migraine prophylaxis
Tension headaches
Allergic rhinitis
Post operative pain
Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting
'It's good to see solid research evidence positively back what we see in clinic every day. We see a broad range of conditions respond in our clinic and the research is starting to catch up with our clinical experience of acupunctures effectiveness. Overtime I've developed interest and specialist further training and experience in certain areas of practice where I see acupuncture being particularly effective.'
For 10 years I jointly ran an NHS pain clinic as part of the Nottingham City CCG pain service. Over this time our clinic treated a huge number of patients for a number of different mainly chronic pain conditions. From lower back pain and knee osteoarthritis, neck pain, chronic head aches and migraines, to more complex systemic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic regional pain syndrome. It was also a great opportunity to treat a group of patients referred by their GP or pain consultant who may not normally have encountered acupuncture and the results were really good and the service valued by patients as part of managing their pain. (results and stats from the service).
Over this period I received specialist training in treating pain ranging from trigger point needling skills, to managing chronic pain conditions from Jenny Longbottom.
I received specialist training in China in a busy outpatients department in Hanzhou affiliate hospital treating mainly pain conditions.
Attended research symposiums on pain management through acupuncture.
As many of the effects of acupuncture are achieved via the nervous system it's not surprising acupuncture has a positive effect on treating conditions related to mood and stress. Anxiety and mild to moderate depression respond well to acupuncture, as well as feelings of stress and tension or sleep difficulties.
Often patients come for a certain symptom or condition but that symptom sits in the broader picture of other health conditions. Chinese medicine has a very helpful ability to step back and see how things interrelate and influence overall health. We often work together with a patients G.P. or consultants to help manage chronic conditions. So enabling lower doses of medication to be used, or general better quality of day to day life. This was especially evident during the NHS pain clinic we were part of. Everyone adding into the treatment package of patients to get a better outcome for patients.
Fertility (male and female)
IVF and assisted reproductive medicine
Immune related causes
I've been lucky enough to study with some of the best known specialists in obstetrics and treating women during pregnancy; including Debra Betts and Sarah Budd. It's a very special time to work with a patient during pregnancy and always it's amazing to see relief and symptoms settle. From morning sickness to helping towards the end of pregnancy, just getting the mother in the best position to have baby.
What we see and treat in clinic is being backed up by an expanding field of research.
The largest review of acupuncture research was carried out in Australia and the U.S. then updated in 2017 by John McDonald and Stephen Janz. It clarified a group of conditions that satisfy a clear evidence base for including acupuncture in the treatment of those conditions. It has a another large group of conditions showing signs of positive outcomes from research. Click on image to download.